Phil Fischer

Monday, December 31, 2007

The Big Show

Is on the 11th of this month. I have got 9 of my autographed pics done, 12 ready for autographs and 10 blank ones. I got my cards down to 4 boxes this year. Last year I brought everything, like 40 boxes. Ouch. So 4 boxes and the frames will be so much easier. I can't wait. I am 95% ready to go. Just a little touch up work on the frames with the shoe polish. I figure I should clear about a grand when everything sells. I would be happy to pay for the vacation. About 300 bucks. We'll see.


Here is Zach helping DaDa with his framing.


The Other day I was tucking Lexi in for bed and I said to her" Today must have been your best day ever". She got to stay over at Emily's Gramma's house for a sleepover, then her friend Emma had Lexi and another friend over to play at her house. When she got home we went to Vogel for open gym and swimming. Wow what a day. She thought about it for a while and she says "No. The day I go to heaven will be the best ever." I told her that would not be for a while so we agreed that it was her 2nd best day ever. She has got the faith of a child, just beautiful.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Zach man

Zach was watching me take pictures of the mat work so I took a couple of him too.
Last night Zander worked with me. He took the scraps and measured and cut and taped like Dada. It turned out really...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The sight is ready to go. Let me know what you think.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Prince never showed up.

4 post in 1 day

Phil is back from the dead.


Mike Schmidt and Tony Gwynn are going to be at the show in Des Moines. Do you think I should get them on a single signed baseball or put together a 3000 hit ball and a 500 HR ball. I could have 3 of each by Twinsfest at the end of January if I put them on the same ball. Lisa is getting tired of me asking for her opinion on matters of such great importance. LMKWYT.

Phil's fabulous framing

I am going to try to get a blog of my matting and framing work. Lisa is just way too busy to show me the right way to add pictures. I will link it to this sight when I get it up and going. I have done about 20 so far and I have another 10 blanks for the show.

Shut the Door

Today after school Tyler came over to play with Nick.
Lexi went over to play with Emily.
Madison came over to play with Lexi.
Lexi was gone already, so I asked her if she wanted to play with Zander.
She said yes so they went into the boys room and shut the door. I went in to see how they were playing and Zander tells me to shut the door so Zachy can't get in. Just like his big brother Nick does to Zander when Tyler comes over. Now he has a friend to play with too. (-: and he want Zachy to stay out. Shortly after this Zach went in and played too. I think they have every toy they have out on the floor. Mommy is going to get a kick out of that.