Friday I took Lexi and Nick up the the open championship in Edina. It was at Interlachen Country Club. We got up about 8 in the morning and I got everything ready to go and then woke the kids up. We were on the road by 9 or so. We parked at Southdale shopping center and they ran shuttle buses over from there.
We walked over to #13 and watched 4 groups go through. We saw Paula Creamer, Annika Sorenstam, Julie Inkster, Pat Hurst and Morgan Pressel. Then we went to hole 9 and 18 by the clubhouse and the practice greens. Nick stayed by the clubhouse and got some autographs as they went to and from the practice area. Lexi stayed there with him for a while too. She got 2 balls from players after their rounds. Nick only got one and he was jealous. Later on he got an autographed ball from some player. Lexi and I watched by the #9 green under a nice shade tree. We were right in the front row. Lexi sat pretty good. She was collecting the nuts that fellfrom the tree.
We went to eat at about 12:30. We got a couple hot dogs a chicken wrap and 3 pops. Total bill $25.50. Later we got an ice cream and 2 waters. another 10 bucks. On the way out after it started to rain we went into the tent where we came in and the kids got a coupon for a free meal so we ate again. They also had a goodie bag for the kids with a hat, bag tag, rules booklet... The Lexus tent took our picture and gave out some free lotions. Nick took 9 of them. Free stuff you know. We stopped at McD's on the way home. Nick had 2 - 4piece nuggets, fries , pop and a sunday. When we got home he wanted a snack. Had to say no to that one.
The next night Lisa took Zander and Lexi to see WALLEE. She said it was TERRIBLE!!!! While they were gone Zach and me put together our stuff from the OPEN. Here are the pictures.