Phil Fischer

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I am so tired. The boys have been getting up early all week. Like 6:30 or so. This is too early and one of the joys of Zachy learning to get out of his crib by himself.

He used to just talk and sing to himself a little bit and fall back to sleep. NO MORE. He is mobile now. Let's see, first lets wake up my partner in crime Zander. He is an all too willing partner in crime. Who is next...Lexi some of the time but usually is it right to the stairs and Mommy and Daddy's room. Some morning he crawls down the steps and busts open our door and yells HI!!! Big smile... Look what I did. Hard to get mad at him when he does this. Next he climbs all over us till one of us, usually Lisa gets up with him.

Zander likes to sit at the top of the steps and yell Mommy I'm SSSSOOOOO hungry or thirsty. Really into the repeated adjectives lately. Like I am really really really really thirsty. He might just die if you don't get him a juice box or some choc milk (he skips the late in choclate. Too much work I guess) NOW.

Gramma wants Zander and Lexi to stay over night tonight. They were gone in Alaska for 40 days. So she misses her little buddies. Lisa did not want to deprive Gramma so she got the two kids over there first thing in the morning.:-) Maybe we can get a nap in today.

Lisa has her girls night at the lake this Saturday. So I will have all four kids for a couple of days. I am trying to think of something fun to do.


At July 26, 2007 at 6:32 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I'll be gone for 24 hours, ONE day, not a *couple* so you won't have to plan too much. Just have fun & enjoy it, cause it will go by fast.


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